Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I apologize for not keeping up with the blog over the last six months.

Our meetings have not been happening every month,but now that it is a new year I am hoping to have it running on a more consistant basis.We are back to having the meetings on the last Tuesday of every month at 7:00 unless it is specifically stated that a meeting will either not be happening that month or the meeting will be in a different location.

I am hoping that with this new year comes more participants in our group.I think that teenagers with chronic health issues such as cardiac problems are not willing to admit that they aren't healthy so they don't want to participate in something that proves that they are not in perfect health.I am hoping this group can offer teenagers and young adults the knowledge that it is okay to need help or support sometimes and that no one is normal.Everyone has problems.Some are just more visible than others.

Looking forward to our next meeting which will be on February 24th at 7:00pm in the same room.

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